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Eat Carbs in the Right Way, so You won’t Gain Extra Weight

In recent years, as diet trends inlucding ketogenic diet and low-carbohydrate diets flourishing, people might get misconception that carbohydrate is bad and avoid carbs digestion in their daily diet. In fact, during the calories burning-off, carbs play a significant role. Therefore, learn to eat carbs at the right time is important so that you won’t gain extra weight from unbalanced diet.


Why does Carbs-digestion Makes You Gain Weight Easily?

Whenever we start eating, insulin inside our body will work immediately to convert whatever we ate into energy to store. The energy storage has two forms: one becomes glycogen stored in muscle and liver in the form of carbohydrates and blood sugar in the blood; and the other is stored in the form of fat in subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.


Is it True that Converting Carbs Intake into Glycogen Storing in Liver Reduce the Chance to Gain Weight?

Yes. If carbs are stored in the form of glycogen, they will be consumed very fast without making you gaining weight. However, the storage of glycogen is quite limited. The average glycogen storage for an adult is approximately 1,000 to 2,000 calories while the storage of fat can reach over 100,000 calories. 

Carbs storing in glycogen form = getting slimmer

Carbs storing in form of fat = gaining weight



What Time can We Eat without Worrying Weight-gaining?

Wisely choose the right time to eat is important.

Intaking carbs upon your exercise is done, especially strength training. When we finish the training, our muscle really needs energy supply. If we digest carbs at this moment, it is very likely to help converting carbs into glycogen storing in muscle tissue.


How to Digest Carbs Right in Daily Life?

The total amount of high-quality carbs should at least account for quarter to half of the dietary intake in each meal. For those who need to lose weight, the intake can be revised down to quarter to one-third in each meal.